SUNDAYS 9:00 AND 10:45 AM

Advent Sermon Series

Prophecies of the Coming King

Join us Sunday mornings in December to hear about Old Testament prophecies of the coming Messiah, the One born of a virgin, the King of Kings who would one day save the world through Him.

Sermon Series

Gospel of Mark

Join us on Sunday Mornings

See previous sermons here.

We will resume our series in Mark on January 16.

Sundays in December at 10:45 am

The Book of Obadiah

Join us for a study of the genre, context, and message of the Old Testament book of Obadiah. By gaining an understanding of this little book, we aim to more clearly see and appreciate the unfolding Gospel of our great God!

The single greatest event in the history of the world is

the entrance of Jesus, the Son of God, into humanity.

His life, death, and resurrection shapes
who we are and what we do.

His triumph is our hope.

His word, our guide.

His glory, our goal.