The Lord has been good to us over these past several months as we have been worshiping outside. The elders thank the Lord for the grateful and gracious attitude that our church family has had with all the adjustments in our gatherings. The congregation’s heart through this has enabled us, the elders, to lead with joy. This truly has been an advantage to us all (Heb. 13:17).
The recent survey has confirmed our decision to transition indoor services as fall arrives. We hope that we will enter the building with a renewed commitment to obey what Paul writes to the Colossians, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God” (Colossians 3:15).
In order to accommodate as many as possible, we will continue to offer three zones for worship:
Open Zone: Worship in the sanctuary with the freedom to engage with others at the level you prefer. Please only enter through the main entrance.
Distancing Zone: Worship in the large, back classroom via live video. This zone will have distanced seating. We recommend that you wear a mask indoors unless you are seated with your family. Please enter through the south entrance.
Car Zone: Worship in the reserved parking area along the north pine trees where you can listen to the service on 102.3 FM. We hope you will take advantage to engage with those who are parked next to you.
Please Note
- If you are showing any flu-like symptoms, please stay home and do not attend the service.
- We would encourage those who are at high risk to consider the distancing or car zones.
- There will be a restroom in the nursery wing reserved for those in the distancing and car zones.
- We will initially offer a distancing zone for both services. When search classes begin, we may offer a distancing zone during the first service only.
- For giving, please use the offering boxes in the church sanctuary and on the light pole in the parking lot.
Current plan for the coming weeks
- Nursery resumes September 6 during worship services.
- Countryside Kids Club begins Wednesday, October 7 at 6:30 pm.
- Adult search classes and children’s classes resume Sunday, October 4 (see information table to times and location of children’s classes).
- Wednesday night prayer will continue every week at 7:00 pm.